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Hollywood Stories


Writing With My Knickers Off 

34 Random Short Stories Mostly About Hollywood

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…..Kendall was telling me about her life….about how she use to be showgirl in Las Vegas for ten years, a Copa girl at the Copacabana at “The Sands,” covered in sequins and perfectly applied beauty makeup, an absolute, stunning beauty, a charming piece of female magnificence when life finally rewarded her handsomely; adorned (and mauled) by celebrating, drunken fans and fat, greasy high rollers. She was making more dough and enjoying more fabulous sex than she ever imagined was possible; stashing her money away for the old age days to inevitably follow”

Weak-Kneed & Knee-Deep

The Tough Love Stories Of a Denuded Catholic

21 Short Stories analyzing why I am not a Catholic. All of these satiric pieces continue to appear in a Blurb version entitled: “Tennessee Go-Fasters & Papal Disasters,” fully illustrated. Re-reading these stories after 6 years, I realized my views of the Catholic Church have not changed, in fact, have actually been reinforced with time, the ongoing sordid news of Papal corruption and my conscientious reflections. To be perfectly straightforward and scrupulously honest, (a notion I was taught on my knees in church), I sincerely regret my strict Catholic upbringing at home and the many Catholic schools especially the learned hypocrisy, unhappiness and continuing mental anguish this failed mission has wrought.

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“I tried to imagine phony Bill Buckley and brilliant Marshall McLuhan and Live-Wired Thomas Merton and intrepid Phil and Dan Berrigan and haughty, insufferable pedantic, C.K. CHESTERTON and the 2 short and tall HIGH LO’S and so many devout others, all religious intellectuals or smarmy song-smiths and quasi and/or fully registered Saints of Mother Church, and honored guests of Heaven, meeting for a nasty game of stud poker after a thorough strip-search by jolly (inebriated) St. Nick who no doubt was sniffing for drugs, condoms, guns….”

Tennessee Go-Fasters & Papal Disasters

In lovely, hard-boiled, hard-halfhearted La-La Land, the cursed planet of hyper-ambitious Egoists from everywhere all at once…about my many, many failed but exhilarating ambitions; about my druggie transgressions and periodic, stillborn, romantic encounters with totally crazed, irresponsible, allusive, reprehensible, irrepressible, sometimes beautiful, always horny consenting adults; (this despite my marriages), my escapades with bogus and thoroughly dishonest and uniquely, visually transparent “beautiful” film people; my profound high-highs and low-down-lows”

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Imagine their startling, freshly-minted, freshmen Sainthood in Heaven, a loving couple once again, forgiven by the Almighty, conditionally, but now and forever scrubbing the dirty (vegan) pots and fry cookers and swabbing the filthy, feces-caked, golden toilet bowls of the Hierarchy Most High who got their big pieces of the Eternity action first. So, Uncle Joey and Aunt Kit were working-class Saints, nothing more, the kitchen help, treated exactly the same way they were mistreated in Purgatory. Heaven, a False Hope? So, this is Supreme Justice? They were not born with golden spoons in their mouths. They clawed their way through terrible hardships during the Great Depression and even more horrible shit throughout their lives and still made their way to the so-called “Glories of Heaven,” the hard way, by hook and crook, on their own prayer plan alone. Their “good acts” never counted. They were stonewalled by their gross, human natures born in sin and disease.  And for this they still get treated like Schmucks? What’s the deal? Heaven isn’t fair either! It’s obviously who you know. It’s obviously about Wealth Management and who the fuggy you know and blow. What else is new? What Saint worth his or her skin-in-the-game wouldn’t be overwhelmingly disappointed?

Leanings: A Novel: An Exhibit

Introduction by Dr. Eric McLuhan

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IN ONE FANTASTIC DREAM, Rex Humbard – Founder President of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International – and I were kneeling together on the crusty steps of the House of the Magician, a Mayan Temple in Uxmal, Mexico. How we ever came together only God knows or planned but it must have been in every way a call to missionary work or a lesson of faith or a final judgement of some sort. He insisted on calling me Lucky though my real name is Logan Bohunk, Jr., because he thought my meeting him at that particular time in Bible History  in a quaint, quiet, mountain village in Mexico was about the luckiest coincidence that could ever happen in a runaway world. We wept together over the needs of mankind and as my own tears were emotional and close to the surface, as  I was a human body whose soul was warped by a life-time of disillusionment and fantasy, it had refused to carry my spirit until the moment Rex Humbard opened his heart to me in brotherhood.
I was bursting with questions and I must have appeared as a fool, an emotional, babbling angel of sorts: tittering and smiling, holding my breath from the nervous tension everywhere and closing my eyelids taking a fantastic journey through my body to the foot of Heaven’s Gate. It was a dream! But, ahh, nevertheless. I talked freely to Rex. “Were you ever unhappy and wanted to be someone else? The last inquiry seemed to piss him off although I was never sure.
Though shaken mildly, he understood my feelings, my questions, my restless envy and did not want to appear unconvincing, and yet his smirk flashed to hatred for a microsecond  (or at least I thought it did), and his eyebrows went wildly horizontal, and his smirk tightened, and he thrusted his creepy eyeballs at me as if I was shit-on-a-stick but, of course, he didn’t say that or probably even think that, but his eyes said it all, and then I knew I had fallen from his favor, and that I was really not so lucky at all.

3 Angry Men 

A Documentary Film

3 embattled & embittered sons nevertheless preserved their father’s forgotten art legacy as a final statement of their passions and pain and their essential pursuit of beauty. Robert Kuhn‘s LIFE IN ART overwhelmingly influenced their own as art transmutes the world and the spirits of the universe re-size.


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About Author

Daniel Kuhn

Daniel Kuhn studied English Literature and Drama for a B.A. from Belmont Abbey College and attended graduate school at San Francisco State University for a M.A. in Creative Writing. He lived in California for 34 years where he worked on feature films. Credits include Special Effects production on "The Right Stuff," (the Ladd Company), "Ghostbusters," "2010," "Poltergeist 11", "Big Trouble in Little China" for Richard Edlund's BOSS FILMS in Marina Del Rey. Richard Edlund won multiple Academy Awards for Special FX Supervisor for George Lucas's "Star Wars" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark." Subsequently, Daniel Kuhn became an independent producer making "Distortions" (1987) and "Kill Thy Neighbor" (1999). He also worked for ABC Network News as a freelance Transport Coordinator (Roadie) for 20 years (1988-2008) on the road with crews on national news stories from O.J. to Michael Jackson. Married to the late Susan Coppola. Later spouse, a NASA Scientist, Jeannette Benavides.

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